Accent: Depends on who you talk to. Aussies still ask how long I’ve lived here and Americans think I sound Aussie.
Book that I like: ummm…. How do I narrow that down? I’ve been reading books from my childhood—Little House on the Prairie series, Anne of Green Gables series, all the Little Women books, Happy Hollisters books, etc.
Chore I don’t care for: Laundry
Dog or Cat: Neither. If we have to have something it would be a dog. I’m allergic to cats
Essential Electronics: computer,
Gold or Silver: silver
Handbag I carry most often: Whatever is newest or fits the bill
Insomnia: not normally
Job Title: Domestic Diva
Kids: Three—5,4, 2.5
Living Arrangements: All 5 of us in a house we had built
Most Admirable Trait: ummm…let me get back to you on that one
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: ummm…I’m sure my siblings would say being a tattle tale
Overnight hospital stays: one for kidney stones, one after having my first baby
Phobias: yes, we’ll just leave it at that.
Quote: "You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance." Franklin P Adams
Religion: I’m a Bible believing Baptist
Siblings: I am the second of 4
Time I wake up: too early
Unusual Talent or Skill: I have a really good memory, does that count? Although sometimes Mommy brain sets in
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Just one??? Brussel sprouts
Worst Habit: blogs
X-rays: I’ve had a couple I think. I have them somewhere.
Yummy Stuff: chocolate, chicken quesadillas, steak
Zoo Animal I Like Most: ummmm….I like giraffes