Monday, January 19, 2009


*random picture of Emily because she's cute and I haven't posted her picture in awhile.
  • Laundry =)
  • homeschooling--snow and snowmen. We'll be reading books to do with those subjects and finding fun projects and things to do. It will end with Catie's snowman birthday party on Sunday.
  • a homeschool plan for the term
  • planning Catie's party
  • writing thank you notes to the VBS volunteers
  • getting a schedule/routine into place
  • Saturday night is a Body Shop party. YAY!!!
  • Stocking up on Australia Day stuff that all the shops have on sale this week then putting it away for VBS next year.
  • Finalize putting away VBS stuff in the church.
Hmmm....I think that's enough for one week, right?

1 comment:

grammynurse said...

Sounds like tooooo much for one week -- but then if ya gotta do it .....