Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
to-do lists
This week
catch up on school workfold laundry in bedroom- tidy craft room
- finish stuff for Nathan's party
grocery shopping- finish building blocks from girls to Nathan
- mop floor
send June and July school stuff inmail invitations to people who aren't coming but get invites anyway =)- go to bed before 10:30
weigh myself=(- find motivation and energy somewhere
aerobics on Fridaycan't because Josh is leaving early for a seminar thingy in Gympie =(- take at least 2 walks
decide what we're serving for Nate's birthday partygrocery shoppingfinish making lolly tractors- keep up with school work
- pray for good weather on Saturday
- realize that my baby is 1 year old already!!!
- get started on projects in the craft room--
Emma's skirt, dresses,Nathan's outfits, etc. - aerobics
M,W,F - walking or aerobics T, T, S
decide on andmake Nathan's cake
- get balloons blown up
- get hay bales
- get tractor and marquee from school
- defrost sausages and do all the food stuff
- have fun
- hire a housecleaner HA!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
weekend thoughts on busy-ness and disorganization

Last Friday we had a bonfire with the youth group about 45 minutes away from Hervey Bay. We left Emma with our friends and brought home their son. Got home late and went straight to bed. On Saturday we went up to Sauvageot's to do the meat. (we buy half a cow and sort and bag the meat ourselves.) We ended up staying up at their place all day. Got home late, showered the kids and put them to bed. Sunday was the second Sunday so we had fellowship lunch. With trying to get the kids up and ready and food ready to take we were rushing around and when we came home that afternoon we all took naps. Then we took a walk and for dinner Josh cooked pancakes on the BBQ. By the time Monday rolled around our house looked like a disaster zone. We got most of it tidy on Monday and a bit on Tuesday. It rained for the first part of the week too so couldn't do much laundry. The house looked good for ladies' fellowship Wednesday morning but somehow by the time we left for Emily's birthday that afternoon it was starting to unravel. Thursday morning I took the girls to Grandma and Grandpa's house to travel to Brisbane and back with them. Then Roseanne and I (and Nate of course) went to Bundaberg. Thursday night I had a baby shower to attend. The girls got home around midnight. They slept in a bit Friday morning and then we gave the front room a good tidy and got started on the main room. Then Emily came over for the day and Roseanne came to use my rotary cutter and mat to cut some fabric. The afternoon was spent trying to get naps in and keep small hands occupied. We met Josh at school and went out for dinner, dropped him back at the church for youth group, got a couple things from the grocery store and were back home and kids in bed by 7:45. Woke up this morning and yet again our house is a disaster zone. YUCK!!! Laundry is piled HIGH!! so that's the priority today. Nathan found a marker laying on the ground and drew on the wall. So now I'm off the computer to get the kids gathered up to tidy some more. Josh is at a webinar for school so maybe it will be tidy by the time he gets home and we can go to the park or something. We can always hope. =)
3 months from now we will be messing up Grammy's house!!
Just kidding, Mom!! We'll try to keep it tidy. =)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
more shorts
so, here's some crappy pictures after those beautiful ones in the last post. =)
I made some more shorts for Nathan yesterday. I spent about $60 on clothes for the kids. Mostly for Catie as she is growing out of everything it seems. $40 was on sale clothes at Big W and the other $20 at some local op shops. Anyway, found a shirt for $3 at the op shop that I liked the plaid and it had a cute hemline. You probably can't see it too well here but the sides had little slits and the hem has an additional decorative red stitching around it. Bonus was that I used their hem. So it took me about 10 minutes to make these shorts for Nate. He was standing by the chair at the table but loves the camera so came to me and wouldn't let go so these pictures were taken as I leaned over and stretched out my arm and clicked away. =)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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